Hon’ble Chief Minister of Puducherry, Mr. V. Narayanasamy, hands over the Special Olympics Football to Mr. Cilvin Jayakumar, Evoke Media.
Hon’ble Chief Minister of Puducherry, Mr. V. Narayanasamy, hands over theSpecial Olympics Football to Mr. Cilvin Jayakumar, Founder of Evoke Media,the hosting partner of Special Olympics International Football Championship2019 in the presence of Dr. Amar Prasad Reddy, Chairman – SOIFC 2019,Dr. M.S. Nagarajan, Senior Sports Manager, Padma Shri & Arjuna AwardeeCharles Borromeo, Former National Sports Director, and Mr. R. Elumalai,Chairperson – Lions Club International. Puducherry will host a Football Campat the Rajiv Gandhi Stadium to select the members of the Indian team that willparticipate in SOIFC 2019.